

Is it time for Greenshoring?

The process of returning the production and manufacturing of goods back to the company's original country, or reshoring, is a trend that has been accelerating rapidly in recent years. The pandemic, geopolitical tensions and demands from various markets to keep their environmental impact under control are driving a geographic and strategic reorganization of global value chains. To discuss this topic are Andrea Noris, Senior Associate at BMV, and Francesca Sanguineti, post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Pavia, in the article recently published by ISPI (Institute for International Policy Studies), "Is it time for Greenshoring?".

According to Noris and Sanguineti, the reasons behind this reorganization are not only related to the economic and logistical aspect, but also to the need of having greener and more sustainable value chains: "by bringing suppliers and production plants closer to the final consumer, companies should be able to reduce the emissions generated indirectly by their own business". 

To learn more about this growing phenomenon and about the impact of a possible division of the world into two blocs as a result of friendshoring, IPEF and new tariffs, read the full article by clicking on the following link: 

SUPPLY CHAINS: Is it time for Greenshoring?

For more information please contact Paula Vega at

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